Keywords: 臺灣原住民鄒族領袖高一生(吾雍.雅達烏猶卡那)與湯守仁(湯川一丸) Indigenous Taiwanese Leaders Kao Yi-shen and Tang Shou-jen who Killed by Brutal Regime from China in 1954.jpg zh-tw 1908-1954; 1924-1954,兩人� �於1954年慘遭中� �� �民黨政權殺害 2013-07-04 00 08 31 http //liautiamding pixnet net/blog/post/14854646- E6 9E 97 E6 87 B7 E6 B0 91 E3 84 9D E8 80 81 E7 88 B8 E6 9E 97 E9 87 91 E7 94 9F E5 85 85 E7 95 B6 E5 9C 8B E6 B0 91 E9 BB A8 E9 B7 B9 E7 8A AC 林懷民� � �爸林金生充當� �民黨鷹犬 author en According to the http //law moj gov tw/Eng/LawClass/LawAll aspx PCode J0070017 Copyright Act of the Republic of China Taiwan Economic rights for photographic works audiovisual works sound recordings and performances endure for fifty years after the public release of the work Article 34 著� 權法� �第 34 � � 影� �視聽� �錄音及表演之著� 財產權存續至著� 公開發表後五十年� � People of 228 Incident Uyongu Yata'uyungana Yapasuyongʉ Yulunana Uploaded with UploadWizard PD-Taiwan PD-1996 Taiwan |