Keywords: Imperial Ordinance 167 issued on December 27, Meiji 28 (1895).png Imperial Ordinance 167 issued on December 27 Meiji 28 1895 Originally on English Wikipedia uploaded by TakuyaMurata Originally posted by Tangotango on en Wikipedia talk WikiProject Japan now archived here Part of the transcription was obtained from http //www geocities jp/nakanolib/rei/rm28-167 htm this site 1895-12-27 Emperor Meiji the author of this edict died in 1912 Public Domain old Public Domain Japan old PD-old PD-Japan An Imperial Ordinance issued in Japan on December 27 1895 Meiji 28 stating the adoption of a standard time for all of Japan Transcription 勅令 <br/> 標準時ニ関スル件ヲ裁可シ茲ニ之ヲ公布セシム <br/>御名 御璽 <br/>明治二十八年十二 二十七日 <br/>内閣総理大臣 侯爵 伊藤博文 <br/>文部大臣 侯爵 西 寺公 <br/>勅令第百六十七號 第 国従 ノ標準時ハ自今之ヲ中央標準時ト称ス <br/>第二 経百二十度ノ子午線ノ時ヲ以テ台湾及澎湖列島並ニ八重山及宮古列島ノ標準時ト定メ之ヲ西部標準時ト称ス <br/>第三 令ハ明治二十 年 日ヨリ施行ス Translation Note Formatting is broken to match with the Japanese above Imperial Edict <br/>I the Emperor approve this issue concerning standard time and I make this new act known <br/>Signed and Sealed Mutsuhito <br/>Meiji 28 December 27th <br/>Prime Minister Prince Ito Hirobumi <br/>Minister of Education Marquis Saionji Kinmochi <br/>Imperial Edict No 167 The standard time for the empire will henceforth be known as the central standard time The standard times for Taiwan and the Pescadores Islands along with the Yayeyama and Miyako islands will be set at 120 degrees east and this shall be named the western standard time This act shall come into force on January 1 Meiji 29 Time zones Legal history of Japan Japan-related files uploaded by User Nihonjoe |