Keywords: James Robertson - Mehmed Emin Ağa Fountain - Google Art Project.jpg albumen print paper 1813 Middlesex England 1813 1888 Japan 1888 James Male 685004 Robertson British 1813 - 1888 /collection/pera-museum/artwork/mehmed-emin-aga-fountain-james-robertson/613089/ James Robertson /artist/james-robertson/4125489/ 4125489 /collection/pera-museum/ Pera Museum 486058 http //www peramuseum org/ 1/3/2012 12 40 38 PM /collection/pera-museum/artwork/mehmed-emin-aga-fountain-james-robertson/613089/ 1856 Late 19th Century 254 613089 False 1857 Late 19th Century 3/24/2012 8 01 55 AM PM_GAP_PHC 006 http //en iae org tr/library/detail aspx SectionID 5Kz0BubxyyP5A 2b3Lg 2f9Gbg 3d 3d ContentID j2ErNvJkko4XAIg7zIjk7A 3d 3d Suna and İnan Kıraç Foundation Collection photography 1850 1860 w269 x h254 cm Late 19th Century False 0 943359375 Suna and İnan Kıraç Foundation Object mehmed-emin-aga-fountain-james-robertson Mehmed Emin Ağa Fountain m 269 Old Istanbul Photographs Collection special url_id tQGQjvBnHyS2Tg PD-old-100-1923 1888 James Robertson Google Art Project works by James Robertson Fountains in Istanbul Dolmabahçe Palace İbn'ül Emin Ahmet Ağa |