Keywords: Kana Character Association Prospectus.png The Kana Characters Association Prospectus 仮名文字協会趣意書 Kanamoji Kyōkai Shuisho declaring the establishment of the Kana Characters Association 仮名文字協会 Kanamoji Kyōkai was written and published in 1920 by Yoshitaro Yamashita The image was obtained through scanning a paper copy of the microfiche of the book Two scanned images for each page were trimmed margins off and joined together この画像は 国字改良論 版のマイクロフィッシュを普 紙に複写したものをスキャンすることにより得た 2ページ分の2枚の画像は余白取りされ 接合された Yamashita Yoshitarō 1920 ja 国字改良論 Kokuji kairyō ron National Character Reform Hyōgo Yamashita Yoshitarō pp 45 46 1920-11-01 Yoshitaro Yamashita ja 山下 芳太郎 Yamashita Yoshitarō 1871 1923 Public domain Original text <p xml lang en lang en >Editor's note Simplified Chinese characters ja 新字体 shinjitai are used in the text below for sake of reference convenience </p> <div xml lang ja lang ja > 仮名文字協会趣意書 国家将 の為めに 邦現 の文字を何とか便利なるものに改良する事は現今日 人たる我 の前に横はれる大責務である 勿論此事業は短時日に成就し得る 質のものでは無いが さりとて漫然放擲して顧みざれば何時になつても成就の なく子孫に対して吾人は不親切の誹を免れない 故に今より出 る丈け此目的に向つて研究と準備とを るを要する 然し此の大事業は到底少人数の力では為し遂げ得らるべきもので無い 必ず多数の識 や憂国 の同情と協力とを仰がねばならぬ 因て私は茲に仮名文字協会を設立し今後 力 の援助を得て左の如き方 を以て此事業に 歩を めたいと ふ 仮名の活字を研究改良し 且つ其得たる優良の字体を以て種 の大さの活字を製 し以て如何なる印刷にも差支なからし る事 英仏に於ては活字の種類は無数にある 我仮名活字も亦少くも数十種なくては実用に適せぬ又字体も 次改良工夫を要する 二 仮名の活字の使用を勧 る事 学生其他種 の団体又はホテル等に仮名の活字を供給し 其印刷物に此活字が適するや否やを験したいと ふ 三 仮名文字を以て印刷せる文書を世間に拡 る事 我国 の書物又は新しき稗史小説子供の読 絵 の類を仮名の活字にて印刷し多数の人殊に児童に仮名文字を見慣れし る事を力めたい 四 仮名文字の タイプライター を製 する事 仮名文字の効 は タイプライター によりて著しく発 せられる から 仮名の タイプライター を り 当 は先づ児童の娯楽用として次は簡単なる事務用として成るべく広く之れが使用を奨励したいと ふ 五 其他 右の外種 の方法を講じて我子孫が将 自然に漢字を廃し得る様準備と基礎を る事に勉めたい 我国の将 を慮り右の趣旨と努力に御同情の方は 会に入会して 臂の力を副へられんことを切 します 追て 会は当分の間便 上 部を大阪に置くも将 は中心を 京に移したき予定です 大正 年十 日 山下芳太郎 兵庫 武庫郡山芦屋 大阪 区広小路町十六番 仮名文字協会 正会員 ヶ 壱円 賛助会員 ヶ 五円以上任意の申込額 名誉会員 会の事業に対し特別の援助を与へたる人但し 会の推戴による </div> Reference translation <div xml lang en lang en > Kana Character Association ja 仮名文字協会 Kanamoji Kyōkai Prospectus It is a great obligation lying before us the Japanese to somehow improve the characters of this country's present use to convenient ones for the national future Needless to say this enterprise by its nature can not be accomplished in a short period of time Even so if I give up this enterprise it will never be accomplished and I cannot escape from the posterity's charge of my unkindness Therefore I am required to advance research and preparation toward this goal as much as possible from now However this big undertaking is never completed by power of a few people I have to ask many intellectuals and patriots for sympathy and cooperation Therefore I hereby establish the Kana Character Association and get assistance of influential people and advance one step to the enterprise with the following policies Research and improve kana printing types; and manufacture printing types of various sizes with the obtained superior fonts so that suitable katakana types are available for any kind of printings There are innumerable variations of printing types in Britain and France Our kana type should have at least tens of varieties for practical use Character style requires continuous improvement Recommend use of kana printing types I would like to supply kana printing types to students various organizations and hotels and to find out whether kana printing types are suitable for their printings Spread in the world documents printed with kana characters I would like to print ordinary books novels and illustrated books for children with kana types and to have many people especially children used to kana characters Develop kana character typewriters Since the effect of kana characters is remarkably demonstrated with a typewriter I would like to make a kana character typewriter and to recommend this first for children's amusement purpose next for simple office work purpose as widely as possible The others I would like to take various measures to establish preparation and foundation for the posterity to abandon use of Chinese characters smoothly in the future I earnestly desire people considering the future of our country and having sympathy with the aim and effort of the Association to join and aid the Association Postscript Although the Association has its head office in Osaka for present convenience it will be centered in Tokyo in the future November 1 1920 Yoshitaro Yamashita Yama Ashiya Muko County Hyogo Prefecture Kana Character Association 16 Hirokoji Higashi Ward Osaka Regular member monthly fee of one yen Supporting member monthly fee of arbitrary amount but more than five yen Honorary member person who gave special assistance to the enterprise and recommended by the Association </div> PD-Japan Kanamozikai |