Keywords: outdoor LC-USF34-57979-D: Scandinavian tractor combine driver, drinking water out of a jug in the field where they were harvesting wheat on the Schnitzler corporation ranch. This boy came to the Schnitzler ranch from South Dakota where he lives and harvested the earlier wheat crop there before coming for the Montana harvest season at Froid, Montana. Photographed by Marion Post Wolcott, August 1941. Office of War Information Collection. (9/11/2015). LC-USF34-57979-D: Scandinavian tractor combine driver, drinking water out of a jug in the field where they were harvesting wheat on the Schnitzler corporation ranch. This boy came to the Schnitzler ranch from South Dakota where he lives and harvested the earlier wheat crop there before coming for the Montana harvest season at Froid, Montana. Photographed by Marion Post Wolcott, August 1941. Office of War Information Collection. (9/11/2015). |