Keywords: Le Cannet Madame Lebasque Reading in the Garden by Henri Lebasque.jpeg en Le Cannet Madame Lebasque Reading in the Garden oil on canvas by the French artist Henry Lebasque 55 4 cm x 61 3 cm 21 81 in x 24 13 in Private collection Image courtesy of The Athenaeum The Athenaeum http //www the-athenaeum org/art/detail php ID 28803 Creator Henri Lebasque ~ 1923 PD-old Paintings of gardens 1920s Henri Lebasque 1920s oil on canvas paintings People in gardens in art Paintings of sitting women reading outdoors Paintings of France Le Cannet Paintings with signatures Paintings in unidentified private collections 20th-century paintings in private collections 20th-century paintings not categorised by year Images from the-athenaeum org Paintings of women sitting on outdoor benches |