Keywords: Life St Joseph Saint-Austremoine Issoire n1.jpg Scenes from the life of St Joseph the wedding with Mary Bottom panel of a stained glass window from an apsidal chapel of the church Saint-Austremonius of Issoire Auvergne France Scènes de la vie de saint Joseph le mariage avec Marie Panneau inférieur d'un vitrail d'une chapelle rayonnante de l'église Saint-Austremoine d'Issoire Auvergne France own picture Jastrow 2006 Martial Mailhot French died before 1901 1894 Public Domain PD-old Vitraux de l'église Saint-Austremoine d'Issoire Gothic revival stained glass windows in France The Marriage of the Virgin on stained glass windows 1894 stained glass windows Martial Mailhot |