Keywords: Lippincott seeds (16185514528).jpg 10 <br> MISS C H LIPPINCOTT <br> PANSY <br> EMPEROR FREDERICK The <br> first color is deep velvety brown <br> shaded Into a narrow band of <br> deep golden yellow which bor- <br> ders each petal Pkt 150 seeds <br> 4 cts <br> EMPEROR WII I IAM Ultra- <br> marine blue with violet eye <br> Pkt 150 seeds 4 cts <br> NEW IMPERIAL GERMAN <br> This mixture embraces seed of <br> over fifty colors and markings <br> Pkt 150 seeds 4 cts <br> PANSY <br> PRESIDENT CARNOT <br> Flowers of great size and <br> rounded form The center of <br> each of the large rounded petals <br> is heavily blotched with a soft <br> rich shade of violet purple; the <br> edges distinctly outlined with a <br> snow-white band In the center <br> of the lower petals the color <br> deepens to a velvety brown tint <br> contrasting richly with the yel- <br> low of the small distinct eye <br> Pkt 150 seeds S cts <br> 'MASTERPIECE OR RUFFLED PANSY <br> This strain comes nearer to Double Pansy than anything else introduced under <br> the name The number of petals is the same as that in the other Pansy flowers but <br> they are crimped and curled in such a fashion that the flowers appear double Tlie <br> flowers are of enormous size often 3 Inches across and the color variations and com- <br> binations are odd and striking Pkt 160 seeds 10 cts <br> NEW GIANT TRI3IARDEAU <br> the flowers Pkt 150 seeds 4 cts <br> PANSY � Remarkable for extra large size of <br> NEW RED MIXED PANSY � The most brilliant Pansy mixture ever offered; <br> made up from a collection of all the best red and fiery shades Pkt 150 seeds 4c <br> FIRE KING PANSY � Comes almost absolutely true scarcely a plant bearing <br> flowers at variance from the type which is very distinct and striking The <br> lower petals each have a large blotch of deep brown-red or magenta margined <br> with yellow while the upper petals are of a bright reddish-brown Pkt 150 <br> seeds 4 cts <br> SNOW QUEEN PANSY � Pure satiny white with yellow dot in center of <br> flower sometimes marked near center with faint blue or purple lines Pkt 150 <br> seeds 4 cts <br> PEACOCK PANSY � A beautiful variety of ultramarine blue in the upper <br> petals of the flower edged w ith a thin white line within which is a space of <br> purplish crimson passing into a rich central blotch of deep blue shading to <br> black Named Peacock because the blending colors resemble those of peacock <br> feathers Pkt 150 seeds 4 cts <br> SWEET-SCENTED PANSIES � The perfume of the violet the beauty of the <br> pansy This class is the result of crossing the Pansy with the Sweet Violet The <br> resulting hybrids in addition to retaining the delightful Violet perfume produce <br> the most beautiful Pansy-like blossoms 2 to 2V2 inches across of great substance <br> and of an endless variety of colors Mixed colors Pkt 150 seeds 4 cts <br> GOOD MIXED � Fine for bedding; many rich colors Pkt 300 seeds 3 cts <br> NOTICE � ONE PACKET EACH OF THE 17 VARIETIES FOR 70 CTS 42162045 132824 65968 Page 10 Text http //www biodiversitylibrary org/page/42162045 1915 Henry G Gilbert Nursery and Seed Trade Catalog Collection ; Miss C H Lippincott Firm Biodiversity Heritage Library Lippincott seeds 1915 Garden Stories Catalogs Flowers Fruit Nurseries Horticulture Seeds Vegetables U S Department of Agriculture National Agricultural Library bhl page 42162045 dc identifier http //biodiversitylibrary org/page/42162045 bhlGardenStories BHLinbloom nurseries horticulture u s department of agriculture national agricultural library bhlgardenstories bhlinbloom Information field Flickr posted date ISOdate 2015-01-26 Check categories 2015 August 25 CC-BY-2 0 BioDivLibrary https //flickr com/photos/61021753 N02/16185514528 2015-08-25 05 55 45 cc-by-2 0 PD-old-70-1923 Lippincott seeds Photos uploaded from Flickr by Fæ using a script |