Keywords: Map of Alaska highlighting Bethel Census Area.svg This is a locator map showing Bethel Census Area in Alaska 2006-03-05 own The maps use data from http //www nationalatlas gov nationalatlas gov specifically http //edcftp cr usgs gov/pub/data/nationalatlas/countyp020 tar gz countyp020 tar gz on the http //www nationalatlas gov/atlasftp html Raw Data Download page The maps also use state outline data from http //edcftp cr usgs gov/pub/data/nationalatlas/statesp020 tar gz statesp020 tar gz The Florida maps use http //edcftp cr usgs gov/pub/data/nationalatlas/hydrogm020 tar gz hydrogm020 tar gz to display Lake Okeechobee David Benbennick Bethel Census Area Alaska Alaska borough and census area locator maps |