Keywords: Master of Flémalle (Workshop of Robert Campin) - The Flémalle Panels - Google Art Project (cwF5YRuJkBMAXQ).jpg commons date commons medium commons dimensions commons institution Institution Städel commons location commons references commons object_history commons exhibition_history commons credit_line commons inscriptions commons notes commons accession_number commons source commons permission commons other_versions commons zoom core title The Flémalle Panels core creator Master of Flémalle Workshop of Robert Campin core date dateCreated 1428/1430 core format w61 x h151 8 cm Complete core type Oak core rights Städel Museum � U Edelmann � Artothek core relation http //www staedelmuseum de/sm/index php StoryID 1029 ObjectID 177 art artist_birth_place Valenciennes art artist_nationality Belgian art artist_death_place Tournai art artist_date 1375/1444 google display_date 1428/1430 google is_artproject TRUE google is_gigapixel FALSE google is_secured TRUE google street_view_asset/id QwGiF_sBTI0k-w google street_view_level/id 11903595286639633796 google street_view_location 50 103279113769531 8 6738805770874023 0 73000001907348633 nCTqyCQCcYJSt-YNw6jr0w google partner/id 00000000057077c9 google picasa_token PNFmC8B0ikiwYBHxB6TlmcHLFuI special url_id cwF5YRuJkBMAXQ google partner/name Städel Museum special partner/name_no_lang Städel Museum PD-old-100 Google Art Project works by Robert Campin workshop of Paintings in the Städel Robert Campin |