Keywords: Meersburg Neues Schloss Treppenhaus Decke 02.jpg Meersburg Neues Schloss Deckenfresko Verherrlichung der fürstbischöflichen Regentschaft allegorische Verherrlichung des Kardinals Franz Konrad von Rodt von Joseph Ignaz Appiani um 1760; Detail Franz Konrad von Rodt own ; Photo Andreas Praefcke 2012-07 circa 1760 Creator Joseph Ignaz Appiani 47 693673 9 2720716 Photos by User AndreasPraefcke Interior of Neues Schloss Meersburg Joseph Ignaz Appiani 1760 portrait paintings Male Franz Konrad von Rodt 18th-century oval portrait paintings of men 18th-century portrait paintings in Germany 18th-century portrait paintings of bishops 18th-century portrait paintings of men at half length Baroque frescos in Baden-Württemberg Clerics with ermine garment Ermine clothing in art Painted frames Portraits wearing cross necklaces Powdered wigs in art Roman Catholic clergy with rabat |