MAKE A MEME View Large Image bee hymenoptera hawaii oahu invasive biml droege taxonomy:binomial=megachile lanata taxonomy:binomial=megachilelanata bug bugs bees animal animals animalia arthropod arthropods arthropoda insect insects insecta aculeata anthophila apoidea ...
View Original:Megachile-lanata,-male-unknown,-face_2012-06-14-15.39.54-ZS-PMax.jpg (5054x3369)
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Keywords: bee hymenoptera hawaii oahu invasive biml droege taxonomy:binomial=megachile lanata taxonomy:binomial=megachilelanata bug bugs bees animal animals animalia arthropod arthropods arthropoda insect insects insecta aculeata anthophila apoidea megachilidae megachilinae megachilini megachile pseudomegachile megachile lanata megachilelanata usgs face portrait eye eyes ocelli compound eyes compoundeyes antenna antennae orange fuzzy male sensory array sensoryarray sensor array sensorarray sensory organs sensoryorgans pwrc patuxent wildlife research center usgs pollinator pwrcpatuxentwildliferesearchcenterusgspollinator zerene stacker zerenestacker zerene stacked head compound eye compoundeye macro macro photography macrophotography stackshot usgsbiml texture black background Megachile lanata, male, Hawaii, Oahu, represents a new species for the islands in the Pacific, originally from Africa, now widespread in the Caribbean, March 2012 Megachile lanata, male, Hawaii, Oahu, represents a new species for the islands in the Pacific, originally from Africa, now widespread in the Caribbean, March 2012
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