Keywords: Müşür fuat paşa (Deli Fuad Paşa).JPG Kategori Deli Fuad Paşa-Müşir Fuad Paşa tr wikipedia 2011-03-26 Tacirci wikipedia tr personal archive PD-US This work is in the public domain because it was published in the Ottoman Empire Since the Empire was dissolved in 1923 all works published there are currently in the public domain in the United States BU NEDENLE KAMU MALIDIR The Ottoman Empire refused to recognize international copyright so works published there are not protected by copyright internationally Ottoman official documents are also not protected since the diwans which comprised a large variety of legal documents were in the public domain in the Empire PD-US PD-Ottoman Original upload log page tr wikipedia M C3 BC C5 9F C3 BCr_fuat_pa C5 9Fa_ 28Deli_Fuad_Pa C5 9Fa 29 JPG 2011-03-26 01 02 Tacirci 1056×1582× 438041 bytes <nowiki> açıklama günü gününe istiklal harbi gazetesi-1919 hazırlayan ve yayın sahibi ömer sami coşardan 1973 yılında tarafımca alınmıştır sayı 1 15 mayıs 1919 perşembe sayısından- 30 eylül 1919 salı sayısına kadarki 121 adet gazete kütüphanemdedir Ömer Sami Coşar-Resmi gazeteden kendim çektim 2004 tacirci 121 adet gazete yayın sahibi olan Ömer sami çoşardan 1973 yılında tarafımca alınmıştır Ayrıca This work is in the public domain because it was published in the Ottoman Empire Since the Empire was dissolved in 1923 all works published there are currently in the public domain in the United States BU NEDENLE KAMU MALIDIR The Ottoman Empire refused to recognize international copyright so works published there are not protected by copyright internationally Ottoman official documents are also not protected since the diwans which comprised a large variety of legal documents were in the public domain in the Empire diğer_sürümler Kategori Deli Fuad Paşa-Müşir Fuad Paşa</nowiki> Deli Fuad Pasha Newspapers in Turkish |