MAKE A MEME View Large Image New floral guide (16862027142).jpg 30 <br> The Conard Jones Company We5t Qrove Pa <br> THIS SET BLOOMS ALL THE TLIE <br> YELL-O r LA FRANCE � A very beantiful Rose and a taost constant and <br> yellD\A- qnite large f- 11 and fragrant ...
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Keywords: New floral guide (16862027142).jpg 30 <br> The Conard Jones Company We5t Qrove Pa <br> THIS SET BLOOMS ALL THE TLIE <br> YELL-O r LA FRANCE � A very beantiful Rose and a taost constant and <br> yellD\A- qnite large f- 11 and fragrant liigli' y recommended for bedding and <br> Our <br> LaFranceSct <br> Set of 5 nice plants only 50 cents <br> Larger size 65 cents Post aid <br> LA FRANCE This is probably the most <br> popular Rose in cultivation Both buds <br> anli no-wers are of lovely form and grand <br> size exceedingly sweet ; color fine peach- <br> blossom elegantly clouded -nrith rosy- <br> flesh Begins to bioom while veiy small <br> and continnes bearing a great profusion <br> of buds and flowers until stopped by <br> freezing -weather One of the loveliest <br> and most beautiful of all Roses 10 cts <br> each ; larger size 15 cts Two-year 35 cts <br> WHITE LA FRANCE A seedling of La <br> France and quite as beautiful ; extra large <br> full deep pearly white flowers delicatSy <br> shaded with soft rose exquisitely bean- <br> tiful and delightfully fragrant ' 10 cts <br> each larger size 15 cts <br> THE STRIPED LA FRANCE An ele- <br> gant new Rose Closely resembling La <br> France in form and substance but the <br> Flam is a much strcnger grower and the <br> f -prers are distinct y striped with pearl- <br> white and satin rose a most pleasing <br> combination They are delightfully fra- <br> grant and borne in constant profosion all <br> thrc-ugh the season 10 cts each; larger <br> siz-e 15 cts Two-year 35 cts <br> RED LA FRANCE This is a superb new <br> Rose belonging to the hybrid perpetual <br> class and cTosely resembiiiig La France <br> but much deeper in color and a better <br> grower ; the fl owers are extra large ex- <br> ceedingly beautiful very double and full <br> and deliciously sweet ; color lovely rose- <br> pink very deep and exquisitely shaded; <br> a constant bloomer and recommended as <br> one of the sweetest and best Roses for gen- <br> eral planting 15 cts larger size 20 cts <br> abundant bloomer Color bright canary <br> house culture and always greatly admired <br> ocis ry express <br> Special Offer <br> S et of 5 cliarininsr I-a France Roses for oO cts ; larofer <br> ize 5 for do cts postpaid Two-year size 5 for <br> 50 packed to express here <br> 5 Lovely Gems for a sheltered corner <br> Rare Rasts uot often seen <br> CORONET � A valuable new Hybrid Tea Rose The flow- <br> ers are very large full and round; the color is clear pint <br> petals beautifully edged with reddish violet; they have a <br> delicious tea fragrance and are produced in great pro- <br> fusizn as long as the plant is kept in growing condition; <br> i is a very scarce and valuable variety 30 cts each <br> QUEEN MAB � Areal little beauty The plant is of sturdy <br> growth and a prodigious bloomer; literally covered with <br> buds and flowers all the time The flowers are medium <br> size very double and full and exceedingly sw-eet; color <br> a lovely shade soft rosy apricot centre shaded orange <br> outside petals violet rose 15 cts each; larger size 20 cts <br> SYLPH � Pretty as a fairy as its name implies; flowers <br> ivory white with clear rose centre exquisitely beautiful <br> an d richly tea-scented The plant is a strong erect grower <br> and abundant bloomer Particularly desirable for outside <br> planting 15 cts each; larger size 20 cts <br> FIRE PEARL � Thisisa perfect little gem; flowers are only <br> of medium size but the buds are large in proportion and <br> of beautiful perfect form and the color is so remarkable <br> ari ir rr e that its name ' The Fire Pearl is a better <br> cef r-7- - - than any we can write A most captivating <br> litilt rrse 20 cts each <br> ENFANT DE LYON Svi-eet Anise Rose V � Beautiful <br> creamy rose delicately shaied with rich coppery yellow <br> and having the delightful fragrance of sweet anise which <br> is truly delicious and qtiite remarkable It is a very pretty <br> Rose e constant bioomer and much admired 15 cts <br> larger sir-e 2' cts postpai'i Two-year S5 cts express <br> Special Offer set of 5 only SSc postpaid <br> 8 Ever-Blooming riimbers FQRTHEsoLTH <br> CELINE FORES TIER � A beautifui rose cf climbing habit <br> 'the color is s;ft golden yellow the flower ire large and <br> regular perfectly double 10 cts each ; larger sire 15 cts <br> CLOTH OF GOLD iChromatella � A beautiful rose large <br> double flowers richly colored with deep yellow centres <br> and yellow edges; magnificent 10 cts ; larger size 15 cts <br> ISABELLA GRAY � Another most desirable rose because <br> a good bloomer and pretty flower color an attractive <br> shade of straw yellow 10 cts each ; larger size 15 cts <br> ISABELLA SP RUNT � Flowers of bright canary yellow; <br> buds are remarkably fine a truly splendid rose 10 cts <br> each; larger siz-e 15 cts <br> SOLFATERRE � Clear deep sulphur yellow handsome <br> buds and flowers; free bloomer climbing habit 10 cts <br> each; larger size 15 cts <br> SOMBREUIL � Beautiful creamy-white tinged with rose; <br> very large full and sweet; quite hardy 10 cts each; <br> larger size 15 cts <br> CLIMBING WHITE PET � This is a true ever-bloomer <br> and bears great clusters of snowy-white blossoms continn- <br> allv all thrrurb the season; the flowers are deliciously fra- <br> grant it bl;' ~s ir- i- dantly and is a most rapid and <br> graceful clim'rer and an early and constant bloomer <br> 15 cts each larger size 3j cts <br> WM ALLEN RICHARDSON � Large full flowers of cop- <br> perv vti � tin cei -prith carmine; p« a delicious fragrance <br> and' is s � ttbtnV entirelv unusual in climbing roses 10 cts <br> each; larger s- t 15 cts 'Tw o-year size 3C' cts by express <br> Cn lol nffr r �� ' ° § Climbers for <br> Opttldl UilCl tilt SoutH; 65 cts posrpaii 42484192 134532 67120 Page 30 Text http //www biodiversitylibrary org/page/42484192 1901 10 1111/j 1469-7998 1865 tb02381 x Conard Jones Co West Grove Pa ; Henry G Gilbert Nursery and Seed Trade Catalog Collection Biodiversity Heritage Library New floral guide 1901 Garden Stories Bulbs Plants Catalogs Nursery stock Plants Ornamental Roses Seeds U S Department of Agriculture National Agricultural Library bhl page 42484192 dc identifier http //biodiversitylibrary org/page/42484192 Conard Jones Co Flowers West Grove PA Conard Jones Co bhlGardenStories BHLinbloom bulbs plants plants ornamental u s department of agriculture national agricultural library west grove pa conard jones co bhlgardenstories bhlinbloom Information field Flickr posted date ISOdate 2015-03-19 Check categories 2015 August 23 CC-BY-2 0 BioDivLibrary https //flickr com/photos/61021753 N02/16862027142 2015-08-23 23 51 09 cc-by-2 0 PD-old-70-1923 New floral guide 1901 Photos uploaded from Flickr by Fæ using a script
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