Keywords: Nicholas Hilliard 004.jpg Artwork de Porträt des Richard Hilliard Vater des Künstlers Tondo Portrait of Richard Hilliard the artist's father a goldsmith 1577 de Wasserfarbe auf Pergament auf Pappe Institution VAM de Miniaturmalerei Elisabethanischer Stil The Yorck Project 10 000 Meisterwerke der Malerei DVD-ROM 2002 ISBN 3936122202 Distributed by DIRECTMEDIA Publishing GmbH http //mail wikipedia org/pipermail/wikide-l/2005-April/012195 html other versions PD-old-100 PD-Art-YorckProject Nicholas Hilliard Portrait miniatures in the Victoria and Albert Museum 1570s paintings in the United Kingdom 1570s paintings in the United Kingdom 1577 portrait paintings Male 16th-century portrait miniatures of men 1577 16th-century portrait paintings in the United Kingdom 1577 16th-century portrait paintings of men at bust length 1577 16th-century round portraits of men 1577 16th-century watercolor portraits of men 1577 Male fur clothing in art Portraits of artist's father 1577 Renaissance portraits of men Tondo Fur fashion in 1577 |