Keywords: Nls launch family.svg en Figure 1 of the above work a black and white drawing of the National Launch System Family Duffy James B ; Jack W Lehner and Bill Pannel October 1993 Evaluation of the national launch system as a booster for the HL-20 PDF Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets v 30 no 5 p 622 doi 10 2514/3 25574 James B Duffy Jack W Lehner and Bill Pannel 1993-10 Page 622 footnote includes This paper is declared a work of the U S Government and is not subject to copyright protection in the United States PD-USGov ImageNote 1 48 129 172 23 222 153 2 Original caption NLS family of launch vehicles ImageNoteEnd 1 Check categories 2010 August 11 en wikipedia National_Launch_System 1 Rockets |