Keywords: OaklandZooEmerald.jpg Emerald Tree Boa at the Oakland Zoo Transferred from http //en wikipedia org en wikipedia; transfered to Commons by User Kelly using http //tools wikimedia de/~magnus/commonshelper php CommonsHelper 2006-10-22 Original uploader was Treehgr at http //en wikipedia org en wikipedia PD-AUTHOR; Released into the public domain by the author Treehgr original upload log page en wikipedia OaklandZooEmerald jpg 2006-10-22 22 01 Treehgr 1024×681×8 255729 bytes <nowiki>Emerald Tree Boa http //flickr com/photo_zoom gne id 270912953 size o context pool-87096450 N00 Flickr Link</nowiki> Corallus caninus Animals in Oakland Zoo |