Keywords: Owen Jones - Examples of Chinese Ornament - 1867 - plate 011 - 300ppi.jpg 010 XI 11 012 The same principles which are exhibited in Plate II are to be seen in this specimen from a Bowl in cloisonné enamel The large flowers are arranged in triangles crossed by smaller flowers in the opposite direction and all connected by a continuous stem throwing off leaves and stalks to fill up the ground; all geometrically arranged and yet not in a manner so apparent as to interfere with the freedom of the composition The system of triangulation is still further kept up in the colouring On the left the purple flower is the apex of a triangle with two red flowers for a base the left one not being contained on the plate In the same way on the right of the plate the light-green flower is the apex of a triangle with two dark-green flowers at the base The white flower is the centre of the composition and stands alone and yet its centre lies between two small red flowers which form the base of a triangle having a green flower for the apex Aristeas Compressed version Owen Jones - Examples of Chinese Ornament - 1867 - plate 011 png PNG PD-old-100-1923 Cloisonné of China Metal bowls Floral patterns Floral designs in China |