MAKE A MEME View Large Image Pannello in opus sectile dalla basilica di giunio basso.jpg Opus sectile panel with the rape of Hylas by the Nymphs Roman artwork first half of the 4th century From the basilica of Junius Bassus on the Esquiline Hill Panneau en opus sectile ...
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Keywords: Pannello in opus sectile dalla basilica di giunio basso.jpg Opus sectile panel with the rape of Hylas by the Nymphs Roman artwork first half of the 4th century From the basilica of Junius Bassus on the Esquiline Hill Panneau en opus sectile représentant le rapt d'Hylas par les nymphes Œuvre romaine première moitié du IVe siècle ap J -C Provenance basilique de Junius Bassus sur l'Esquilin Pannello parietale in opus sectile in marmi colorati e madreperla con scena del ratto di Ila da parte delle Ninfe Opera romana prima metà del IV sec d C Dalla Basilica di Giunio Basso sull'Esquilino Museum Palazzo Massimo Second floor object history credit line From the collection of the Palazzo del Drago accession number book 1976 other versions <gallery> Image Rape Hylas Massimo jpg </gallery> PD-art Rape of Hylas mosaic from the Basilica of Junius Bassus Rome
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