Keywords: Permafrost NH.png Location of Permafrost in the Northern Hemisphere Glaciers and the Greenland Ice Sheet are violet and Arctic Sea Ice is light blue from NSIDC http //nsidc org/cgi-bin/atlas_north zoomdir 0 zoomsize 2 zoom_to glossary_term layer north_pole_geographic imgxy 250 0+250 0 imgext -9000622 951330+-9073062 572670+9073062 572670+9000622 951330 map 2FWEB 2FINTERNET 2FMMS 2Fatlas 2Fcryosphere_atlas_north map savequery true mapext shapes layer land layer coastlines layer copyright layer layer layer permafrost_extent layer layer sea_ice_extent_01 layer snow_extent_01 200-05 NSIDC PD-USGov Arctic Permafrost |