Keywords: Piombo Carondelet 1511.jpg Artwork creator Sebastiano del Piombo Portrait of Ferry Carondelet with his Secretaries between 1510 1512 Oil on panel cm 113 87 Institution Museo Thyssen-Bornemisza Madrid www art-magazin de/kunst/3885/sebastiano_del_piombo_rom PD-old-100 Original upload log <div class delh > de wikipedia Wdwdbot script bot_filetrans pl de wikipedia Piombo_Carondelet_1511 jpg 2008-08-02 21 26 31 Eisenacher 154214 Bytes <nowiki> Kardinal Ferry Carondelet und sein Sekretär Madrid www art-magazin de/kunst/3885/sebastiano_del_piombo_rom 1511 Sebastiano del Piombo PD-old - </nowiki> </div> User Wdwdbot/Files uploaded by Wdwdbot Ferry Carondelet with his Secretaries Sebastiano del Piombo |