Keywords: Plastic pipe firestops nortown casitas.jpg Nortown Casitas Toronto North York Ontario Canada April 1995 Plastic Pipe and Metal Pipe Penetrations being firestopped The plumber had used all 4 diameter sheet metal cans to form the openings The annuli for 2 and 3 piping were therefore oversized Firestop Mortar was used to narrow the annuli Intumescent collars were inverted inside the firestops The intumescent wrap strips were made of 3M's FS195 The mortar was 3M Fire Barrier Mortar The expanded FS195 in a fire would choke off the melting plastic pipes Metallic pipes were firestopped with firestop mortar Own 2007-08-21 Achim Hering Plumbing Firestops Firestop mortar Plastics Intumescents 3M Fire Barrier Mortar |