Keywords: project 365 project365 pulse oximeter pulseoximeter clever gadget clevergadget indoor electronics Odd day today, as I came home from work early to look after a very poorly Sue. An X-ray reveals she has pneumonia, and that's not a huge barrel of laughs. :( As part of today's care regime I spent a goodly amount of time using this miniature marvel. It's a pulse oximeter, and it just clips onto a finger and within a few seconds gives an accurate measurement of heart rate and oxygen saturation. Here my oxygen saturation is 96% which is considered normal, though it's usually a little higher. Odd day today, as I came home from work early to look after a very poorly Sue. An X-ray reveals she has pneumonia, and that's not a huge barrel of laughs. :( As part of today's care regime I spent a goodly amount of time using this miniature marvel. It's a pulse oximeter, and it just clips onto a finger and within a few seconds gives an accurate measurement of heart rate and oxygen saturation. Here my oxygen saturation is 96% which is considered normal, though it's usually a little higher. |