Keywords: PSL-PGL.svg Commutative diagram showing the projective linear groups special and general and their relations Own work created as per en meta Help Displaying a formula Commutative diagrams; source code below 2009-05-07 Nils R Barth LaTeX source <source lang latex > \documentclass amsart \usepackageall ps dvips xy Loading the XY-Pic package Using postscript driver for smoother curves \usepackage color For invisible frame \begin document \thispagestyle empty No page numbers \SelectTips eu Euler arrowheads tips \setlength \fboxsep 0pt Frame box margin \color white \framebox \color black Frame for margin \xymatrix \mathrm SZ V \ar -> r \ar -> d \mathrm Z V \cong F \ar ->> r 6 \det \cong z n \ar -> d F n \ar -> d \\ \mathrm SL V \ar -> r \ar ->> d \mathrm GL V \ar ->> r \det \ar ->> d F \ar ->> d \\ \mathrm PSL V \ar -> r \mathrm PGL V \ar ->> r F / F n end math end frame \end document </source> Lie groups Commutative diagrams Xy-pic diagrams Images with LaTeX source code |