Keywords: Recycle001-perc.svg en Möbius loop recycling symbol with percentage Denotes products that contain the given percentage of recycled material de Möbius Recycling Symbol mit Prozentangabe Zeigt den Anteil an wiederverwendetem Material im Produkt an 2012-11-17 16 34 05 derived from http //commons wikimedia org/wiki/File Recycle001 svg original work Users Cbuckley Jpowell on http //en wikipedia org en wikipedia; modified by User DeWikiMan The Möbius loop symbol originally created by 23-year-old student Gary Anderson is in the public domain and is not a trademark The CCA originally applied for a trademark on the design but the application was challenged and the corporation decided to abandon the claim As such anyone is free to use the recycling symbol although local laws may restrict its use in product labeling See for instance Citation Palerm Juan R 2000 12 Guidelines for Making and Assessing Environmental Claims 19 November 2012 European Commission http //ec europa eu/consumers/cons_safe/news/green/guidelines_en pdf Custom license marker 2012 11 17 DeWikiMan Uploaded with UploadWizard Recycling symbols 3 arrows - folded Moebius strip in art |