Keywords: ReiniervanHouten.gif en Reinier van Houten Bergh 11 May 1908 - Rheden 1983 was a Dutch national-socialist publisher 1942 http //www dbnl org/tekst/vene001schr05_01/vene001schr05ill36 gif Adriaan Venema Schrijvers uitgevers en hun collaboratie Deel 4 Uitgevers en boekhandelaren via dbnl en NIOD Beeldbank 30467 unknown photographer other versions PD-EU-anonymous PD-old-70 Uploaded with UploadWizard Collaborators with Axis occupation from the Netherlands Nationaal-Socialistische Beweging SS Nazi Germany 1908 births 1983 deaths Media from NIOD Images from NIOD Photographs uploaded by User Vysotsky |