Keywords: Røyken komm.svg nn Kommunevåpen for Røyken kommune i Buskerud fylke På blå bunn en gull ildflamme med fem tunger http //www lovdata no/cgi-wift/wiftldles doc /app/gratis/www/docroot/for/lf/ov/ov-19671215-0008 html emne herredsv E5p SVG is own work based upon http //www caplex no/Web/ImageView aspx ID 10002656 ArticleId 9330671 image from caplex no Original by http //www caplex no/Web/ImageView aspx ID 10002656 ArticleId 9330671 caplex no 2010-01-14 Norwegian coat of arms Created with Inkscape DEFAULTSORT Røyken Røyken Våpen Coats of arms of municipalities of Norway Azure flames Or Azure shields |