Keywords: Sabor u krusedolu 1708 01.png en Separate territory for the Serbs demanded by the Serbs from Ofen Buda at the Serb assembly in Krušedol in 1708 sr Посебна те ито ија за С бе т ажена од ст ане будимских С ба на с пском сабо у у К ушедолу 1708 године own PANONIAN 2014 Cc-zero References Slavko Gavrilović O Srbima Habzburške monarhije Beograd 2010 J H Šviker Politička istorija Srba u Ugarskoj Novi Sad - Beograd 1998 Dejan Mikavica Srpska Vojvodina u Habsburškoj monarhiji 1690-1920 Novi Sad 2005 Zoran Stevanović Vojvodstvo Srbija i Tamiški Banat 1849-1861 Arhiv Vojvodine Novi Sad 2014 this book is also available online http //www arhivvojvodine org rs/cd_prezentacije/elektronska-izdanja/2014-SVTB/ Čedomir Popov - Jelena Popov Autonomija Vojvodine - srpsko pitanje Sremski Karlovci 2000 Drago Njegovan Prisajedinjenje Vojvodine Srbiji Novi Sad 2004 Maps of the history of Bačka Maps of the history of Syrmia Maps of the history of Slavonia Maps of the history of Banat Maps of the history of Vojvodina Maps of the Ottoman period in the history of Serbia Maps of the Habsburg period in the history of Serbia Maps of proposed territories Habsburg period in the history of Serbia Maps of the history of the Serbs |