Keywords: Sandro Botticelli - Portrait of Giuliano de' Medici - WGA02794.jpg Artwork Creator Sandro Botticelli between 1478 1480 Tempera on panel size cm 75 6 52 6 Institution National Gallery of Art object history credit line accession number WGA link 2794 http //www wga hu/art/b/botticel/7portrai/06medici jpg http //www wga hu/html/b/botticel/7portrai/06medici html PD-old-100 painting portrait Italian 1451-1500 DEFAULTSORT Botticelli;Portrait Giuliano de'Medici;Washington National Gallery;1478 Portraits of Giuliano de' Medici by Botticelli Paintings from Italy in the National Gallery of Art 15th-century portrait paintings WGA form painting WGA type portrait WGA School Italian WGA time period 1451-1500 Male fur headgear Paintings by Sandro Botticelli with fur Fur fashion in 1479 |