Keywords: Sarah Bernhardt, par Nadar, 1864.jpg Félix Nadar 1820-1910 ; French actress Sarah Bernhardt 1844-1923 around 1864 8 5/16 x 6 3/8 in La actriz francesa Sarah Bernhardt por Félix Nadar en torno a 1864 Actrice francaise Sarah Bernhardt par Félix Nadar vers 1864 Ф анцузская акт иса Са а Бе на ок 1864 фотог афия ада а 45995 1864 Creator Félix Nadar Gelatin silver print Image 21 1 x 16 2 cm Mount 33 x 24 1 cm Institution Getty Center <gallery> File Sarah Bernhardt 1864 Nadar jpg File Nadar Sarah Bernhardt - Getty Museum jpg File Sarah Bernhardt par Nadar 1864 png same image PNG version File Sarah Bernhardt par Nadar 1864 xcf same image The Gimp format </gallery> complete restoration Assessments 1 1 Sarah Bernhardt photograph 12 16 22 February 2014 UTC Sarah Bernhardt par Nadar 1864 jpg picture of the day 2014 08 16 PD-old-100 1864 portrait photographs Black and white photographic portraits of women Photographs of Sarah Bernhardt by Nadar Valued images by Yann Forget Featured pictures of people of France Valued images of people of France Featured pictures by Yann Forget People of France in 1864 Black and white photographs of shoulders Human hair Black clothing Black and white necklines Females with neutral background Black and white photographs of female faces Females looking left Black and white photographs of females facing left Apathy Black and white photographs of females Women with curls 1860s |