Keywords: Sebastiano Ricci 022.jpg Artwork de Entwurf für den Freskenzyklus in San Bernardino alle ossa in Mailand Szene Apotheose eines Heiligen it Bozzetto per il ciclo di affreschi in San Bernardino alle ossa a Milano Scena Apoteosi di un beato Oil Canvas cm 78 5 63 2 de Mailand Civici Musei d'Arte e Pinacoteca del Castello Sforzesco de Zyklus bestehend aus dem Kuppelfresko »Aufstieg der Seelen der Heiligen in den Himmel« und Fresken in den Gewölbezwickeln zur Apotheose einzelner Heiliger The Yorck Project 10 000 Meisterwerke der Malerei DVD-ROM 2002 ISBN 3936122202 Distributed by DIRECTMEDIA Publishing GmbH 1693-1694 creator Sebastiano Ricci http //mail wikipedia org/pipermail/wikide-l/2005-April/012195 html Other versions PD-old-100 PD-Art-YorckProject Sebastiano Ricci Apoteosi di un beato Baroque paintings in Milan Castello Pinacoteca del Castello Sforzesco Ricci 17th-century oil on canvas paintings in Italy 17th-century paintings in Milan Pinacoteca Ossuary fresco in San Bernardino alle ossa in Milan 1693 paintings Baroque paintings of people Milan Apotheosis of christian saints 1690s paintings from Italy Paintings of angels in Milan 17th-century paintings of angels with humans Angels in the air Paintings of putti in Milan Putti in the air Angels carrying humans Putti on clouds Floating people 1694 paintings in Italy Angels pointing up Baroque paintings of angels 1690s frescos in Italy |