Keywords: Seikilos score.png Copy of the original file located in en The file was loaded originally by en user Chinasaur and licensed as Public Domain The original information is Notated transposition of the Seikilos epitaph melody I created this score with the following lilypond 2 2 5 code \score <nowiki> \notes \time 6/8 \clef treble \key d \major \relative c a8 e'4 e4 cis8 d e d4 cis4 d8 e d cis b a4 b8 g4 a8 cis e d cis d cis a4 b8 g4 a8 cis b d e cis a a4 a8 fis e \paper \midi </nowiki> and invoked the interpreter with the --preview flag to get this simple PNG and the accompanying midi Chinasaur For the melody itself PD-old Sheet music Seikilos epitaph |