Keywords: retail technology transportation signs food and drinks foodanddrinks to organise toorganise retail melbourne australia to organise toorganise Target in South Yarra, VIC, Opening Hours - Localmint Dear Sirs, please find my compliment: Imagine you are walking through the common (main) passageway. Most people on a budget or shrewd rich people on a budget missed out on seeing the price tag ($5) that should be facing the vantage point from the main passageway. This could be an opportunity cost for Target and reduced profits for management and shareholders. I love Target and it is a fantastic place to shop in. Why not print the pricing on both sides of the price tag to maximise message penetration rate to potential customers? Great welcome and smiles from service staff when i walk in. The founder of Target started the business from scratch and would he/she reject $5 of sales which in turn could be used to feed families and children? I love the family friendly in-store slope that makes it easy for mothers to push the pram up a level of the store. My 2 cents humble opinion. Target in South Yarra, VIC, Opening Hours - Localmint Dear Sirs, please find my compliment: Imagine you are walking through the common (main) passageway. Most people on a budget or shrewd rich people on a budget missed out on seeing the price tag ($5) that should be facing the vantage point from the main passageway. This could be an opportunity cost for Target and reduced profits for management and shareholders. I love Target and it is a fantastic place to shop in. Why not print the pricing on both sides of the price tag to maximise message penetration rate to potential customers? Great welcome and smiles from service staff when i walk in. The founder of Target started the business from scratch and would he/she reject $5 of sales which in turn could be used to feed families and children? I love the family friendly in-store slope that makes it easy for mothers to push the pram up a level of the store. My 2 cents humble opinion. Should Price Tags face Customers at departmental store 1 Explore's 52669 photos on Flickr! |