Keywords: Skylla BM 621.jpg The sea-monster Skylla Terracotta plaque Melos 460 “450 BC Found on Aegina Scylla Plaque en terre cuite Mélos vers 460-450 av J -C Provenance Égine Das Seeungeheuer Skylla Terracotta Milos 460-450 v Chr Gefunden auf Ägina H 12 5 cm 4 ¾ in Museum British Museum Main floor room 15 Greek Rome object history credit line accession number GR 1867 5-8 673 Cat Terracotta 621 Jastrow 2006 other versions Scylla 460s BC pottery in the United Kingdom Ancient Greek reliefs in the British Museum Ancient Greek terracottas in the British Museum Room 15 British Museum Melian reliefs |