Keywords: Starcevo culture-sr.png en Neolithic Starčevo culture 5300-4400 BC sr еолитска Ста чевачка култу а 5300-4400 године п н е own PANONIAN 2014 Cc-zero References Nenad N Tasić Neolitska kvadratura kruga Beograd 2009 Antonije Škokljev - Ivan Škokljev Antičke legende Panonije Beograd 2007 Istorijski atlas Intersistem kartografija Beograd 2010 Predrag Medović Praistorija na tlu Vojvodine Novi Sad 2001 http //upoznajsrbiju com/index2 php tekst_id 51 grupa Kulturno-istorijski 20spomenici http //freepages genealogy rootsweb ancestry com/~hjohnson/New 20Index/Family 20Groups/Group 20Leaders 20Pages/Pin 20Oak 20Reports/inthebeginningupdated2009 htm http //freepages genealogy rootsweb ancestry com/~hjohnson/New 20Index/Family 20Groups/Group 20Leaders 20Pages/Pin 20Oak 20Reports/inthebeginningupdated2009_files/image010 jpg http //www dacia org/Dacian_Virtual_Museum/The_First/ca99/o7000/Old-7000BC jpg Maps of European Neolithic Maps of the prehistoric Balkans Starčevo Maps of the prehistory of Serbia Maps of the history of Vojvodina Maps of the history of Banat Maps of Prehistoric Romania Maps of the prehistory of Croatia Maps of the prehistory of Bosnia and Herzegovina Maps of the history of Kosovo in ancient times Maps of the history of the Republic of Macedonia in ancient times Maps of the prehistory of Bulgaria Maps in Serbian |