Keywords: Suvorov crossing the alps.jpg Heroisierende Darstellung der Alpenüberquerung der Truppen des russischen Generals Suworow im Winter 1799 auf einem russischen Historiengemälde des 19 Jahrhunderts Russian Troops under Suvorov Crossing the Alps in 1799 Heroic view of a russian artist from the late 19th century Las tropas del Generalísimo Alexander Suvorov cruzando los Alpes en 1799 Le truppe del Generalissimo Aleksandr Vasil'evič Suvorov attraversano in ritirata per le Alpi nel 1799 in una interpretazione di un artista russo del XIX secolo Пе еход Суво ова че ез Альпы Museum of Russia St Petersburg 1899 creator Wassilij Iwanowitsch Surikow PD-art Vasily Surikov - Suvorov Crossing the Alps in 1799 - Google Art Project jpg PD-old-auto 1916 Armies of the French Revolution era History paintings by Vasily Surikov Alexander Suvorov in history paintings War of the Second Coalition History paintings in the Russian Museum Paintings of soldiers Soldiers of Russia in art |