MAKE A MEME View Large Image The field and garden vegetables of America (Page 249) (6002644420).jpg BRUSSELS SPROUTS <br> 249 <br> BRUSSELS SPROUTS <br> Thousand-headed Cabbage Brassica oleracea var <br> In its general character this vegetable is not unlike some of ...
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Keywords: The field and garden vegetables of America (Page 249) (6002644420).jpg BRUSSELS SPROUTS <br> 249 <br> BRUSSELS SPROUTS <br> Thousand-headed Cabbage Brassica oleracea var <br> In its general character this vegetable is not unlike some of <br> the varieties of Kale or Borecole Its stem is from a foot to <br> four feet in height and from an inch and a half to upwards <br> of two inches in diame- /Z FC <br> ter It is remarkable for <br> the production of numer- <br> ous small axillary heads <br> or sprouts which are ar- <br> ranged somewhat in a <br> spiral manner and which <br> are often so closely set <br> together as entirely to <br> cover the sides of the <br> stem These small heads <br> are firm and compact like <br> little cabbages or rather <br> like hearted savoys in <br> miniature A small head <br> resembling an open sa- <br> voy surmounts the stem <br> of the plant and maintains a circulation of sap to the extre- <br> mity Most of the original side-leaves drop off as these small <br> buds or heads enlarge ” Thomp <br> Culture ” The plant is always raised from seeds which in <br> size form or color are scarcely distinguishable from the <br> seeds of the Common Cabbage These should be sown at <br> the time and in the manner of the Cabbage either in hot-beds <br> in March or April or in the open ground in April or May <br> When three or four inches high transplant two feet apart <br> in each direction and cultivate as directed for cabbages and <br> cauliflowers In September the early plantings will be fit <br> 32 <br> Brussels Sprouts 29062587 92326 42073 Page 249 Text http //www biodiversitylibrary org/page/29062587 1863 10 5962/bhl title 42073 Burr Fearing NameFound Brassica oleracea NameConfirmed Brassica oleracea EOLID 583899 NameBankID 3873934 Biodiversity Heritage Library The field and garden vegetables of America United States Varieties Vegetable gardening Vegetables Library Congress bhl page 29062587 dc identifier http //biodiversitylibrary org/page/29062587 united states Information field Flickr posted date ISOdate 2011-08-02 CC-BY-2 0 BioDivLibrary https //flickr com/photos/61021753 N02/6002644420 2015-09-10 20 51 53 cc-by-2 0 PD-old-70-1923 The field and garden vegetables of America Photos uploaded from Flickr by Fæ using a script
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