MAKE A MEME View Large Image The Quarterly journal of the Geological Society of London (12960356873).jpg CALCIFEEOTJS SANDSTONE OF FIFE <br> 575 <br> At tlie outcrop of this bed the measures lie rather flat so that a <br> considerable area of it is exposed between ...
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Keywords: The Quarterly journal of the Geological Society of London (12960356873).jpg CALCIFEEOTJS SANDSTONE OF FIFE <br> 575 <br> At tlie outcrop of this bed the measures lie rather flat so that a <br> considerable area of it is exposed between tide-marks Occasionally <br> when the rock has been swept clean of weeds its ScMzodus-coYered <br> surface aifords a most interesting sight though one suggestive <br> rather of a Permian state of things than of early Carboniferous an <br> idea which is only strengthened on finding a species of Myalina <br> just as abundant in the body of the rock ; for in the Magnesian <br> Limestone of the North of England the two most common fossils in <br> the upper beds and those in fact which last appear are Schizodus <br> duhius and Myalina Hausmanni <br> Fig 4 ” Section of Limestone No 5 Banderstone <br> a Shale and sandstone band with Btigmaria Bi lodus and Ostraeoda ; h 1 foot <br> of siliceous limestone with drift wood Ehizodus and Myalina ; c 9 inches <br> of shale with Ostraeoda and Lepidophyllum ; d 1 foot of limestone full of <br> Myalina Schizodus Orthoceras e <br> Forty feet of shale and sandstone intervene ; the latter is false- <br> bedded and ripple-marked In one place the shale is black and coaly <br> with fireclay beneath full of rootlets More JStigmarice are found in <br> these strata along with Oalamites sp Cyclopteris Jlahellata the <br> scales of small Ganoids and Entomostraca <br> Limestone No 6 3326 feet is about two feet thick hard compact <br> and grey in colour also weathering grey It is formed of three or <br> four leaves ; and it is chiefly on the weathered surfaces of these that <br> the following fossils have been found ” <br> Nautilus planotergatus M' Coy <br> Orthoceras sp <br> Loxonema scalaroidea Phill <br> Murchisonia quadricarinata M'Coy <br> Naticopsis sp <br> AYiculopecten granosus Phill <br> Leda sp <br> Myalina modioliformis Brown Ganoid scales resembling those of <br> Nucula lineata Phill <br> Sanguinolites abdensis Eth <br> Murchisonia quadricarinata is the most characteristic fossil of <br> this limestone ; it is found on the weathered surfaces beautifully <br> preserved and occasionally in great numbers Stenopora tumida <br> and Leperditia Oheni are also very abundant JSchizodus Salteri <br> forms a thin layer of sheUs on top of the limestone The shell <br> referred to Bedgwichia gigantea has only been found in this bed ; <br> some of the specimens exceed three inches in width The bottom <br> leaf of the limestone is entirely composed of a S irorbis apparently <br> identical with S helicteres <br> Schizodus Salteri Mh <br> Sedgwickia gigantea 31' Coy <br> Lingula mytiloides Sow <br> Stenopora tumida PhilL <br> Spirorbis helicteres Salter <br> Leperditia Okeni Miinst <br> Beyrichia subarcuata Jones <br> Ganoid scales resembling those <br> Megalichthys <br> This bed shelves up to the point to the east of the road to Eanderstone 36090970 111264 51125 Page 575 Text 36 http //www biodiversitylibrary org/page/36090970 1880 Geological Society of London NameFound Bedgwichia gigantea NameFound Beyrichia subarcuata NameConfirmed Beyrichia subornata NameFound Cyclopteris NameConfirmed Cyclopteris EOLID 13288345 NameBankID 3418808 NameFound Hausmanni NameConfirmed Hausmanni NameBankID 4188489 NameFound Leda sp NameConfirmed Leda Schumacher 1817 EOLID 57725 NameBankID 637691 NameFound Leperditia NameConfirmed Leperditia EOLID 13110263 NameBankID 4217023 NameFound Lepidophyllum NameConfirmed Lepidophyllum EOLID 49606 NameBankID 2679936 NameFound Lingula mytiloides NameConfirmed Lingula mytiloides NameFound Loxonema NameConfirmed Loxonema NameBankID 4223444 NameFound Megalichthys NameConfirmed Megalichthys EOLID 4654673 NameBankID 4234587 NameFound Murchisonia quadricarinata NameConfirmed Murchisonia quadricarinata Stauffer 1909 NameFound Myalina NameConfirmed Myalina NameBankID 4249388 NameFound Myalina modioliformis NameConfirmed Chalina moniliformis Carter 1885 EOLID 1163650 NameFound Naticopsis NameConfirmed Naticopsis NameBankID 4252647 NameFound Nucula lineata NameFound Oalamites sp NameFound Orthoceras NameConfirmed Orthoceras EOLID 30106 NameBankID 1861424 NameFound Sanguinolites NameConfirmed Sanguinolites NameBankID 4335436 NameFound Schizodus NameConfirmed Schizodus NameBankID 4334356 NameFound Sedgwickia gigantea NameFound Spirorbis helicteres NameFound Stenopora tumida Biodiversity Heritage Library The Quarterly journal of the Geological Society of London v 36 1880 Geology Periodicals Smithsonian Libraries bhl page 36090970 dc identifier http //biodiversitylibrary org/page/36090970 smithsonian libraries Information field Flickr posted date ISOdate 2014-03-06 Check categories 2015 August 26 CC-BY-2 0 BioDivLibrary https //flickr com/photos/61021753 N02/12960356873 2015-08-26 15 52 24 cc-by-2 0 PD-old-70-1923 The Quarterly journal of the Geological Society of London 1880 Photos uploaded from Flickr by Fæ using a script
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