Keywords: The Quarterly journal of the Geological Society of London (13937346641).jpg 518 CHELONIAN REMAINS FROM THE WEALDEN AND PURBECX <br> common stock it is quite evident that such stock must have had a <br> plastron of very much the type of that of the Pleurosternidae ; that is to <br> say there must have been a mesoplastral bone and an intergular shield <br> since these features if once lost would be very unlikely to reappear <br> Further we should expect such en ancestral type to show such dif- <br> ferences in the relation of the pelvis to the plastron as we find <br> obtaining in the specimens before us If we refer the Plenrosternidae <br> to the Cryptodira we should destroy the definition of that section by <br> the inclusion of a form with a union between the pelvis and the <br> plastron ; while if we assign them to the Pleurodira we should <br> equally invalidate the definition of that group since we should have <br> to include a genus with a free pelvis in the young <br> Under these circumstances it appears to be the preferable course <br> to regard this family as the representative of a generalized section <br> of which the earlier unknown members were the common ancestors <br> of the Cryptodira and Pleurodira ; and I accordingly propose for this <br> section the name of Amphichelydia <br> The Neocomian genus Helochelys will certainly come in the Pleuro- <br> sternidae ; while I think the Baenidae of Prof Cope as represented <br> by the Upper Jurassic Platychelys and the Eocene Baena may pro- <br> bably be likewise included in the same family and will certainly <br> come in the same section Prof Cope has indeed remarked on the <br> peculiarly generalized affinities of Baena which he regards as exhi- <br> biting decided evidence of affinity with the Pleurodira especially in <br> the approximation towards a union between the pelvis and the <br> plastron <br> The Amphichelydia as thus exemplified will include all those <br> forms hitherto referred to the Cryptodira which possess a mesoplastral <br> bone and will thus enable us to add to the definition of that section <br> the absence of this bone <br> Finally I may observe that the pectoral girdle and humerus of <br> Fleurosternum are of a decidedly Pleurodiran type coming near to <br> those of the existing Chelys I have indeed studiously avoided all <br> reference to the structure of the skull and neck which affords such <br> an important distinction between the existing members of the Crypto- <br> dira and Pleurodira since it will be quite evident that any evidence <br> adduced from them can have no possible bearing in a case where <br> their structure is totally unknown <br> Discussion <br> The Chairman said that some interesting points of difference <br> between the living and extinct forms of Chelonia had been well <br> brought out by the Author <br> Prof Blake inquired in what state the horny scutes of the <br> Chelonia are preserved <br> The Author said by impressions on the underlying bone In the <br> Stonesfield Slate the scutes themselves of the Testudo StricMandi of <br> Phillips are preserved 36940347 113696 51125 Page 516 Text 45 http //www biodiversitylibrary org/page/36940347 1889 Geological Society of London NameFound Baena NameConfirmed Baena NameBankID 4086350 NameFound Chelonia NameConfirmed Chelonia EOLID 19671 NameBankID 4935336 NameFound Chelys NameConfirmed Chelys Matamata DUMÉRIL 1835 EOLID 795410 NameFound Cryptodira NameConfirmed Cryptodira EOLID 13075867 NameBankID 1770010 NameFound Helochelys NameConfirmed Helochelys EOLID 13288912 NameBankID 4190199 NameFound Platychelys NameConfirmed Platychelys EOLID 13124225 NameBankID 4300368 NameFound Pleurodira NameConfirmed Pleurodira EOLID 13075866 NameBankID 1770011 NameFound Pleurosternidae NameConfirmed Pleurosternidae EOLID 4522727 NameBankID 5703545 NameFound Testudo NameConfirmed Testudo EOLID 35259 NameBankID 1541127 NameFound Testudo NameConfirmed Testudo EOLID 35259 NameBankID 2547062 Biodiversity Heritage Library The Quarterly journal of the Geological Society of London v 45 1889 Geology Periodicals Smithsonian Libraries bhl page 36940347 dc identifier http //biodiversitylibrary org/page/36940347 smithsonian libraries Information field Flickr posted date ISOdate 2014-04-21 Check categories 2015 August 26 CC-BY-2 0 BioDivLibrary https //flickr com/photos/61021753 N02/13937346641 2015-08-26 05 55 52 cc-by-2 0 PD-old-70-1923 The Quarterly journal of the Geological Society of London 1889 Photos uploaded from Flickr by Fæ using a script |