MAKE A MEME View Large Image The Quarterly journal of the Geological Society of London (13365616703).jpg 446 <br> PROCEEDINGS OF THE GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY June 5 <br> The pebbles in some places where but little sand is present are <br> spotted or pock-marked if I may use ...
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Keywords: The Quarterly journal of the Geological Society of London (13365616703).jpg 446 <br> PROCEEDINGS OF THE GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY June 5 <br> The pebbles in some places where but little sand is present are <br> spotted or pock-marked if I may use the expression perhaps by <br> the protection which where in contact they afford each other from <br> the action of percolating water At the points of contact they often <br> adhere to each other their surfaces breaking away when separated <br> Occasionally they are cemented together in a hard conglomerate <br> The pebbles are often of such magnitude from 4 to 6 inches dia- <br> meter as to indicate rapid motion of the water and are deposited at <br> a high angle amounting in one spot to 25° On the other hand <br> beds of fine pea-gravel sand and even clay as in the above-men- <br> tioned spot indicate intervals of comparative tranquillity It is <br> under such conditions that organic remains occur as in the well-known <br> bed at New Charlton which has replaced No 5 ” see fig 2 con- <br> taining semi-fluviatile shells Some of these are in one spot in the <br> position of living animals the Ostrece adhering to the upper surface <br> of the pebbles and the anterior slope of Cyrena tellinella being <br> uppermost Among the pebbles near this are rolled fragments of <br> OstrecB The following fossils occur ” <br> Melanopsis ancillaroides Desk <br> Neritina pisiformis Fer <br> Natica <br> Buccinura <br> Turritella <br> Teeth of Lamna contortidens Agass <br> CyreDa cuneiforrais Fer <br> tellinella Fer <br> Pectunculus Plumsteadiensis Sow <br> Ostrea flabellula LamJc <br> uncertain <br> Cerithium crenulatura Desh <br> Potamides variabilis Desh sp <br> These occur in the beds previously described <br> Similar deposits appear in the vale north of Shooter's Hill oppo- <br> site Sir Edward Pellatt's Gate on Blackheath east of the south en- <br> trance to Greenwich Park see fig 3 and on Plumstead Common <br> Fig 3 ” Section in a Pit on the South side of Greenwich Park <br> 30 feet by l6 feet <br> 8 <br> 1 5 7 Pebble bed No 6 in its ordinary condition <br> 2 Bed of pebbles with shells in the darker part <br> 3 Grey laminated sandy loam <br> 4 Irregular indistinct line of brown sand <br> 6 Reddish mottled loam with a peciiliar saline taste <br> 8 Alluvium <br> From this pebble-bed much of the more recent gravel in the neigh- <br> bourhood has been derived but the latter may always be distinguished <br> The dip of this <br> the compass <br> false stratification varies on Blackheath to every point of 36934317 113689 51125 Page 446 Text v 6 http //www biodiversitylibrary org/page/36934317 1850 Geological Society of London NameFound Cerithium NameConfirmed Cerithium EOLID 10714569 NameBankID 2684349 NameFound Cyrena tellinella NameConfirmed Cyrena tellinella NameFound Lamna NameConfirmed Lamna EOLID 24907 NameBankID 4935667 NameFound Melanopsis NameConfirmed Melanopsis EOLID 4933506 NameBankID 4236389 NameFound Natica NameConfirmed Natica EOLID 58662 NameBankID 2684906 NameFound Neritina pisiformis NameFound Ostrea flabellula NameConfirmed Ostrea flabellula NameFound Pectunculus NameConfirmed Pectunculus EOLID 4728114 NameBankID 4286045 NameFound Plumsteadiensis NameFound Potamides variabilis NameConfirmed Potamides variabilis NameFound Turritella NameConfirmed Turritella EOLID 52187 NameBankID 2683895 Biodiversity Heritage Library The Quarterly journal of the Geological Society of London v 6 1850 Geology Periodicals Smithsonian Libraries bhl page 36934317 dc identifier http //biodiversitylibrary org/page/36934317 smithsonian libraries Information field Flickr posted date ISOdate 2014-03-23 Check categories 2015 August 26 CC-BY-2 0 BioDivLibrary https //flickr com/photos/61021753 N02/13365616703 2015-08-26 10 51 55 cc-by-2 0 PD-old-70-1923 The Quarterly journal of the Geological Society of London 1850 Photos uploaded from Flickr by Fæ using a script
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