Keywords: Treblinka II aerial photo (1944).jpg en Treblinka II extermination camp of the Operation Reinhard in occupied Poland Aerial photograph of the camp perimeter taken in 1944; several months after the dismantling of the camp All known structrures are gone except for the farmhouse built within it and lifestock shed lower left The photograp is overlayed with the known structures as described on the map of Treblinka drawn by Mr Peter Laponder builder of the Treblinka Model at the new Cape Town Holocaust Center digitized by ARC and made available at the http //www deathcamps org/treblinka/maps html Mapping Treblinka webpage On the left hand side the color outlines show dismantled SS and Hiwi guards living quarters with most barracks clearly defined by the surrounding walkways The railway unloading platform lower centre consisted of two parallel ramps visible in the bottom marked with the red arrow Location of new expanded gass chambers marked with a cross Undressing barracks and sorting yard separate for men and women with hair-cropping area marked with two rectangles surrounded by solid fence with no view of the outside The adjacent Sluice through the woods separated by barb-wire fence marked with red dashed-line pl Oboz śmierci Treblinka II w czasie niemieckiej okupacji Polski Fotografia lotnicza po opuszczeniu terenu w 1944 roku Droga do nieba oznaczona linią przerywaną Peron wyładowczy strzałką Source http //www deathcamps org/treblinka/pic/bmap8 jpg Aerial Photos from the National Archives Washington DC Ref No GX 12225 SG exp 259 Before November 1944 either September or October according to different sources roughly one month after the Soviet Army took over the area from under the Nazis http //www deathcamps org/treblinka/pic/bmap8 jpg National Archives and Records Administration ARC 2005 or http //archive today/codoh com/sites/default/files/jhr-12-2-11l jpg much larger scan CODOH with greatly reduced contrast Original from the National Archives Air Photo library at Alexandria Virginia U S A Cartographic Division Record Group 373 Some 1 2 million Nazi German air photographs were released into the public domain in the 1970s and 1980s by the National Archives Numerous authors laid claims to have published them for the first time ever notably the Holocaust denier and author John C Ball Air Photo Evidence http //www nizkor org/features/ball-challenge/ and Udo Walendy Der Fall Treblinka before him author overlay legend in Photoshop by Poeticbent PD-Polish and EU PD-Polish Poland during World War II 1944 in Poland Treblinka extermination camp Historical images of Poland |