Keywords: Tuborg-Øl af Erik Henningsen.png en Poster by Erik Henningsen for Tuborg Beer 1900 Litograph 92 8 x 66 4 cm Printed by Chr J Cato http //www danskeplakater dk/plakat asp doctype 5 niv 3 kunstnerID 75 plakatID 553 Erik Henningsen 1855-1930 1900 Tuborg 1900 in Denmark Posters of Denmark Advertisements in Denmark Erik Henningsen Beer posters PD-Old-80 PD-1923 Additional note This photo originates from the Danish Design Museum whose http //designmuseum dk/samlinger/plakatsamling terms for their poster collection refers only to the original copyright holder in each poster not any additional copyright of the museum The following applies to the words Tuborg and Tuborg Øl for which this is an old advertisement trademarked |