Keywords: Tursko PZ CZ - sculpture of Pensive Christ 078.jpg Socha odpočívajícího Krista okolo r 1700 v nároží ohradní zdi kostela sv Martina Tursko okres Praha-západ Sculpture of Pensive Christ c 1700 in corner of a wall surrounding St Martin church in Tursko Prague-West District Czech Republic own 2011-03 User Miaow Miaow <gallery> File Tursko_PZ_CZ_-_St_Martin_church_0072 jpg File Tursko_PZ_CZ_-_sculpture_of_Pensive_Christ_front_0081 jpg File Tursko_PZ_CZ_-_sculpture_of_Pensive_Christ_left_082 jpg File Tursko_PZ_CZ_-_sculpture_of_Pensive_Christ_right_083 jpg </gallery> 50 11 25 0 N 14 19 28 2 E region CZ_heading NE Statue of Pensive Christ in Tursko |