Keywords: U+210E.svg Unicode Character from the Letterlike Symbols 2100 “214F block Transferred from http //en wikipedia org en wikipedia; transferred to Commons by User Common Good using http //tools wikimedia de/~magnus/commonshelper php CommonsHelper <br/> Original text I made it by myself using Inkscape on Linux 5/11/2007<br/> 2007 11 05 first version ; 2008 06 14 last version Subrat Meher Original uploader was Martianxo at http //en wikipedia org en wikipedia Later version s were uploaded by Joey-das-WBF at http //en wikipedia org en wikipedia Released into the public domain by the author <br/> Original text public domain see below en wikipedia Martianxo Original upload log page en wikipedia U 2B210E svg 2008-06-14 11 44 Joey-das-WBF 137×220× 4329 bytes <nowiki> svg version of the unicode character U+210E I made it by myself using Inkscape on Windows 2008-06-14 Johannes Rössel public domain see below this is the SVG version of</nowiki> 2007-11-05 07 37 Martianxo 160×220× 632 bytes <nowiki> created with inkscape svg version of unicode character U+210E</nowiki> 2007-11-05 07 35 Martianxo 160×220× 623 bytes <nowiki> created with inkscape svg version of the unicode character U+210E</nowiki> Unicode 2100-214F Letterlike Symbols |