Keywords: Venus Verticordia - Dante Rossetti - 1866.jpg Artwork Creator Dante Gabriel Rossetti 1864-1868 oil on canvas cm 81 3 68 Institution Russell-Cotes Art Gallery and Museum place of discovery object history J Mitchell; John Graham; Christie's sale April 30 1887 lot 82 £472 10 s; Arthur Anderson; Christie's sale May 19 1894 lot 34 £525; H S Saunders-Clark; Christie's sale July 30 1936 lot 71 £105; Russell-Cotes Art Gallery Bournemouth 1946 exhibition history Birmingham 1891 Special Loan Collection no 179 ; Bournemouth 1951 no 9 ; Paris 1972 n 222 ; R A 1973 n 317 ; Baden �Baden 1973-4 n 127 ; Rotterdam �Paris 1977 n 204 ; Monaco 1979-80 no 373 ; Tate 1984 no 130 credit line Purchased from E Percival Allam with the assistance of the National Art Collections Fund 1946 D G R monogram lower left ~ Model Alexa Wilding accession number BORGM 01897 place of creation http //www safran-arts com/42day/art/art4apr/rossetti/verticob html 4 2 day Dante Gabriel Rossetti - Venus Verticordia jpg http //www rossettiarchive org/docs/s173 rap html Rossetti Archive <br /> http //www liverpoolmuseums org uk/walker/exhibitions/rossetti/works/beauties/venusverticordia aspx Walker Art Gallery <br /> venus-verticordia-58834 PD-old-auto-1923 1882 Original upload log it wikipedia Venus+Verticordia+-+Dante+Rossetti+-+1866 jpg 2007-04-01 12 37 Panairjdde 1693×2120× 348755 bytes <nowiki>Titolo Venus Verticordia Autore Dante Rossetti Data 1866 Descrizione Venus Verticordia la che apre i cuori celebrata durante i Veneralia</nowiki> DEFAULTSORT Dante Gabriel Rossetti - Venus Verticordia Paintings of females by Dante Gabriel Rossetti Aphrodite in post-antique paintings Alexa Wilding People with butterflies in art Portrait paintings of females with flowers Pre-Raphaelite paintings of mythology Pre-Raphaelite portraits 1860s oil on canvas paintings in the United Kingdom Russell-Cotes Art Gallery and Museum 1860s mythological paintings Mythological paintings in the United Kingdom |