Keywords: Verwaltungsgemeinschaft Markneukirchen in V.svg DeLocMaps Verwaltungsgemeinschaft Markneukirchen Vogtlandkreis District of Vogtland Vogtlandkreis l'arrondissement du Vogtland Arrondissement du Vogtland Sachsen Saxony Saxe Saxe Land TUBS/Translation Adobe Illustrator own based on File Germany location map svg NordNordWest File Saxony location map svg TUBS File Municipalities in Saxony svg TUBS http //www landkreis-bautzen de/399 html Landkreis Bautzen Städte und Gemeinden 2009-08-28 Hagar66 based on work of TUBS <gallery> file Municipalities in V svg </gallery> Hagar66 GFDL cc-by-3 0 2 5 2 0 1 0 cc-by-sa-3 0 2 5 2 0 1 0 TUBS/Credits Locator maps of former municipalities in Vogtlandkreis |