Keywords: WelteMignon pipeorgan opus231 stops.jpg en wikipedia 2010 January 20 Stop list for Welte-Mignon pipe organ opus 231 ---- The company Welte-Mignon Stops <table style width 100 ;margin 0; ><tr style vertical-align top; ><td> ; Great 8' Horn Dlapason 8' Claribel 8' Muted Violin 4' Orch Flute 2' piccolo 8' Trumpet 16' Gr to Gr 4' Gr to Gr Unison off on key cheek 16' Sw to Gr 4' Sw to Gr <td> ; Swell 16' Bourdon 8' Tibia 8' Claribel 8' Violin Cello synth 8' Violin 8' Viole Celeste 4' Orch Flute 2 2/3 Nazard 2' Piccolo 8' Clarinet 8' Oboe synth 8' Vox Humana Vox Vibrato Tremulant 16' Sw to Sw 4' Sw to Sw Unison off on key cheek <td> ; Pedal 16' Subass 8' Flute 5 1/3 Flute Sw to Pedal Gr to Pedal ; Swell and Cresc Pedals </table> ---- Transferred from http //en wikipedia org en wikipedia; transferred to Commons by User Shoulder-synth using http //tools wikimedia de/~magnus/commonshelper php CommonsHelper 2006-06-02 Original uploader was CowboyWisdom at http //en wikipedia org en wikipedia PD-USER; Released into the public domain by the en User CowboyWisdom <gallery> File WelteMignon pipeorgan opus231 jpg File WelteMignon pipeorgan opus231 jpg </gallery> wikipedia en English Wikipedia CowboyWisdom Original upload log page en wikipedia WelteMignon_pipeorgan_opus231_stops jpg 2006-06-02 21 28 CowboyWisdom 323×1000× 32331 bytes <nowiki>Personal list and image scan </nowiki> ImageNote 1 3 2 318 997 323 1000 2 ; Great 8' Horn Dlapason 8' Claribel 8' Muted Violin 4' Orch Flute 2' piccolo 8' Trumpet 16' Gr to Gr 4' Gr to Gr Unison off on key cheek 16' Sw to Gr 4' Sw to Gr ; Swell 16' Bourdon 8' Tibia 8' Claribel 8' Violin Cello synth 8' Violin 8' Viole Celeste 4' Orch Flute 2 2/3 Nazard 2' Piccolo 8' Clarinet 8' Oboe synth 8' Vox Humana Vox Vibrato Tremulant 16' Sw to Sw 4' Sw to Sw Unison off on key cheek ; Pedal 16' Subass 8' Flute 5 1/3 Flute Sw to Pedal Gr to Pedal ; Swell and Cresc Pedals ImageNoteEnd 1 Welte-Mignon Welte-Mignon pipe organs Tremulant Stoplists |