Keywords: Wesel 1945.jpg Walls of houses of Wesel still stand as do the churches but a great part of the town was destroyed when the German commander forced the Allied troops to fight their way street by street through the ruins Germany 1945 Wesel wurde durch Flächenbombardement mit Bomben und Luftminen im Kern vollständig eingeebnet Die dicht aneinander grenzenden Ringe kennzeichnen die hohe Dichte der Bombeneinschläge 535793 http //www defenseimagery mil U S DefenseImagery photo VIRIN http //www dodmedia osd mil/DVIC_View/Still_Details cfm SDAN HDSN9902995 JPGPath /Assets/1986/Navy/HD-SN-99-02995 JPG HD-SN-99-02995<br>http //www nationalmuseum af mil/photos/index asp National Museum of the U S Air Force photo http //www nationalmuseum af mil/shared/media/photodb/photos/050606-F-1234P-060 jpg 050606-F-1234P-060 1945-03 USAAF PD-USGov World War II aerial photographs of Wesel |