Keywords: WhiteArmyPropagandaPosterOfTrotsky.jpg White Army propaganda poster from the Russian Civil War era 1919 depicting a caricature Leon Trotsky as a large demon like figure with bright red skin and Chinese soldiers below wearing braids and blue and gold uniforms There was a notable number of them in the Red Army They are depicted executing a prisoner and shoveling bones Texts are in pre-reform Russian orthography Top и ъ и свобода въ Совдепiи / Peace and Freedom in Sovdepiya Left flag Р С Ф С Р / R S F S R Right flag Рабоч к ест п авит / Workers' and Peasants' Government abbreviated On the wall ПРИКАЗ Главкове х Лев Т оцкий / Decree illegible Signed Supreme military commander Lev Trotsky The wall is supposed to be the Kremlin wall Kutafya Tower to be precise Notice also the Red Star drawn as a pentagram on Trotsky's neck Affiche de propagande antibolchevique des armées blanches diabolisant Léon Trotski en diable rouge La légende indique «Paix et Liberté en Sovdepie» Russie soviétique 白軍によるプロパガン スター トロツキーを 悪魔 として描いている Poster propagandistico antibolscevico dell'Armata Bianca che paragona Trockij ad un demonio Il titolo significa «Pace e libertà in Sovdepia» Sovdepia era il nome dato dai contro-rivoluzionari alla Russia sovietica Sátira referida a Trotsky 1919 Poster de progapanda del Ejército Blanco Soldados chinos llevando tranzas con uniformes azules y dorados ejecutando prisioneros y apilando huesos 托洛斯基 白军的宣传画上成了魔鬼, 水兵和中国人 害俄国人 Den russiske hvite armés framstilling av kommunisten Leo Trotskij som blodrødt monster med bolshevik stjerne-liknende symbol Trockij na protiboľševickej karikatúre Bielej armády Bělogvardějský propagandistický plakát s Trockým naznačující bolševism Afiş de propagandă al Armatei Albe înfăţişându-l pe Troţki drept Diavol Textul scris deasupra spune Pace şi libertate în Sovdepia 1 En propagandaplakat fra den Hvide Hær der afbilleder Trotskij som en djævel Over billede står den ironiske tekst Fred og frihed I Sovdepiya Sovdepiya var et nedsættende ord for sovjet-rusland פוסטר שהפיץ הצבא ה בן שמציג את יאון טרוצקי כ שד יהודי П опагандни посте Белих који п иказује Т оцког као ц веног ђавола Го њи текст значи Слобода и ми у Совдепији Cartaz do Exército Branco presentando a Trotski coma o diaño Prupaganna antisimita di l'Armata Janca ca fa vìdiri Trotskij comu lu dimoniu Póstaer/bolscaireacht ón Airm Bán in aghaidh Trotsky http //www marxists org/archive/trotsky/photo/t1919b htm or http //historydoc edu ru/catalog asp cat_ob_no 12438 ob_no 13597 1919 PD-Russia-2008 Caricatures of Leon Trotsky Posters of Russia 1919 White posters of the Civil war of Russia Red Demons People of China in art Army of the Soviet Union Military people of the Soviet Union Caricatures of politicians of Russia Males with pince-nez in art Moscow Kremlin in art Propaganda cartoons Prisoners in propaganda Anti-communist propaganda 1910s political cartoons Caricatures of skulls Political cartoons of Russia Jewish Bolshevism 1919 cartoons |