Keywords: Worldwealthdistributionexchangerates.gif 2007-08-10 own User Analoguni World wealth distribution in percentages I divided up the world into what I think are better regions for arranging data For example I broke down the western hemisphere into 2 regions US/Canada and the rest I also expanded the Middle East to include some former soviet states which have a Muslim majority and also included Pakistan with the Middle East Data obtained from http //www wider unu edu/research/2006-2007/2006-2007-1/wider-wdhw-launch-5-12-2006/wider-wdhw-press-release-5-12-2006 pdf Analoguni en Original upload log en wikipedia For the Common Good page en wikipedia Worldwealthdistributionexchangerates gif wikitable - 04 16 10 August 2007 537 × 374 12 256 bytes Analoguni w en <nowiki> World wealth distribution in percentages I divided up the world into what I think are better regions for arranging data For example I broke down the western hemisphere into 2 regions US/Canada and the rest I also expanded the middle east to include s </nowiki> Uncategorized 2015 May 20 |